The following are considered acts of professional misconduct.

- Doing anything to a patient for therapeutic, preventative, palliative or other health-related purposes in a situation in which consent is required by law, without such consent.
- Abusing a patient verbally, physically, psychologically or emotionally.
- Practising the athletic therapy profession while the member's ability to do so is impaired by any substance (such as alcohol & narcotics).
- Discontinuing needed professional services unless, the patient requests the discontinuation; or alternative services are arranged; or the patient is given a reasonable opportunity to arrange alternative services.
- Discontinuing professional services contrary to the terms of an agreement between the member and a health facility or clinic that provides health services to the public unless; the discontinuation is requested by the health facility or clinic; or alternative services are arranged; or a reasonable opportunity to arrange alternative services is provided.
- Practising the profession while the member is in conflict of interest.
- Giving information about a patient to a person other than the patient, his/her authorized representative, or the member's legal counsel or insurer, except with the consent of the patient or his/her authorized representative or as required or allowed by law.
- Breaching an agreement with a patient relating to professional athletic therapy services for the patient or fees for such services.
- Failing to reveal the nature of a remedy or treatment used by the athletic therapist following a patient's request to do so.
- Failing to advise a patient to consult with another health professional when the athletic therapist knows or ought to know that; the patient's condition is beyond the scope of practice and competence for the member; or the patient requires the care of another health professional; or the patient would be most appropriately treated by another health professional.
- Providing a therapeutic service that is not necessary.
- Failing to maintain the member's practice premises in a safe and sanitary manner.
- Using a term, title or designation in respect of a member's practice that is not true.
- Using a term, title or designation indicating a specialization in the profession that is not true.
- Using a name, other than the member's name as set out in the international certificate of registration, in the course of providing or offering to provide athletic therapy services within the scope of practice of the athletic therapy profession.
- Failing to keep records for a period of seven years after the date of last patient visit.
- Falsifying a record relating to the member's athletic therapy practice.
- Failing, without reasonable cause, to provide a report or certificate relating to a treatment performed by the member within a reasonable time of 30 days after a patient has requested such a report or certificate.
- Signing or issuing, in the member's professional capacity, a document the member knows contains a false or misleading statement.
- Submitting an account or charge for services the member knows is false or misleading.
- Failing to disclose to a patient the fee for a service before the service is provided, including a fee not payable by the patient.